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Tried and Tested Management Solutions to Help Combat the Heat as Summer Stress Continues

29 January, 2025


The summer season continues to present challenges for turf managers. The inconsistent rainfall patterns across regions are creating significant challenges for turf managers this summer. While some facilities are managing excess moisture, others are battling severe drought conditions. 

3 New innovative products: MP Defence®, MP Carbon Cal, and MESA XP®

MP Vitalise: Perfect for Summer Stress Management.

MP Vitalise remains a trusted and reliable choice.

MP VITALISE remains to offer the turf manager assistance during stress periods of summer. Here are the reasons why:

Amino Acids enhance turf health to heat and stress by supporting repair and recovery. 

Fulvic Acid promotes efficient nutrient absorption for healthy growth under stress. 

Kelp and humic acids boosts heat tolerance and accelerate recovery

Carbohydrates boost soil microbes, maintaining active biology for consistent turf health during summer stress.

Beneficial microbes improve soil health and nutrient availability for strong summer growth.

MP Vitalise and the rest of the MATCHplay® Superior Liquids range, deliver essential ingredients to support turf during periods of stress, including: 

Humates: Enhance nutrient uptake, support soil biology, and foster root development.

Cytokinins: Stimulate cell division and accelerate turf recovery.

Seaweed Extracts: Strengthen natural stress responses and encourage consistent growth.

Nutrients: Provide essential elements to meet high metabolic demands.

Beneficial Biology: Combine beneficial microbes with plant-safe nutrients.

Moisture Management with TriCure® and Terafirm®

To ensure effective moisture management continues during summer, reach for Tricure and Terafirm. They work to optimise water movement and retention in the soil profile, ensuring even water distribution, minimising dry spots, and maximising water-use efficiency.

TriCure and Terafirm: A winning combination for moisture management.

Key Benefits:

Prevents the development of hydrophobic soil. 

• Promotes uniform moisture distribution within the soil.

Enhances water infiltration for optimal soil performance.

Incorporate TriCure and Terafirm into your irrigation schedule to improve efficiency and maintain healthy turf as we head to Autumn. 

Disease and Stress Management with Stressgard® & Intrinsic® 

Summer’s humid conditions continue to provide the perfect environment for Pythium and other turf diseases. Products like Banol® and Signature Xtra Stressgard® (both part of ENVU’s range) and Subdue Maxx® and Heritage Maxx® from Syngenta, provide both curative and preventative solutions for disease management while offering added stress protection.


Signature Xtra diagram


Lexicon Intrinsic® deliver dual benefits of disease control and intrinsic plant health benefits.

These fungicides work their magic to:

Enhance photosynthesis 

 Improve root strength

And help turf recover from environmental stressors

Lexicon Intrinsic: Treated versus untreated.
Intrinsic fungicides diagram

Key Intrinsic Fungicide benefits:

• Broad-spectrum disease control, including Pythium.

• Improved turf stress tolerance

• Long-lasting protection, ensuring peace of mind during the busy season.

Integrate fungicides like Lexicon Intrinsic® into your rotation for enhanced disease control and improved overall plant health.


Plant Growth Regulation

Managing turf growth during summer remains crucial for maintaining consistent playing conditions for all turf surfaces.

Trinexapac-ethyl based products such as Primo Maxx, Marvel-ous, and Astro offer reliable solutions to regulate growth by reducing vertical shoot growth and promoting lateral development. These products help enhance turf density and improve the wear tolerance during times of stress.

Primo Maxx treated versus untreated diagram

Denser Roots and Shoots: Thanks to the application of Primo Maxx.

Key benefits include:

• Enhanced turf quality during peak stress periods

• Improved energy allocation for root and shoot development

Continue to stay on top of your mowing practices with reduced frequency, during the extended summer period.


Continuing to use Trinexapac products in your maintenance routine remains a reliable way to keep surfaces uniform and playable throughout the high pressure season.

For more information about our Summer Stress strategies and/or any of the products mentioned above, please contact your friendly Living Turf Technical Sales Agronomist.


Living Turf® is a subsidiary of Greenshed Pty Ltd, an Australian business that also boasts leading brands including; Precision Turf®, Greenspace 4D®, Turf Forensics®, MATCHplay®,Challenger® Turf Seeds, The Lawn Shed®, and LawnOnline®.